Statek Lozice


Srdečně vás zveme na speciální 5 denní kurz jógy od známé a oblíbené kanadské lektorky Angely Jervis-Read.
Angela je známá svým osobitým přístupem, ve kterém tvoří most mezi východní filosofií a moudrostí se západní moderní vědou o člověku, psychice a fyzioterapii. Tento kurz je o propojení vědeckých znalostí o józe a jejích terapeutických účincích s východními vědami o józe. Celý kurz je pak ucelen tak, abychom mohli porozumět a využít jógu k tomu, abychom citlivěji a šikovněji začlenili obtížné životní události do našeho života, tak abychom se mohli k sobě a ke světu okolo nás zdravě vztahovat.
Tento jógový kurz je zakončen certifikátem 50 hodin TTC, celý se koná v anglickém jazyce, je tedy třeba jeho znalosti. Kurz je vhodný nejen pro lektory jógy, ale také pro psychoterapeuty, sociální pracovníky a obecně pro kohokoliv, koho zajímá, jak může jóga pomoci v integraci psychických a fyzických traumat do života.

Lze při rezervaci sjednat pojištění zrušení objednaných služeb z těchto důvodů:
- onemocnění, úraz, živelná událost, trestný čin, nedobrovolná ztráta zaměstnání.
Balíček pojištění A20 - limit pojistného plnění - 80% stornopoplatku max. 20.000 Kč / 1 osoba.

50 Hours
Leading researchers in the field of PTSD, like Peter Levine Phd. and Dr. Van Der Kolk, often cite yoga as an effective healing tool for those suffering from the aftermath of a traumatic event(s). In this program, we will explore why yoga is such an effective tool to regain a healthy sense of Self after life’s challenging moments.

A growing body of research supports what yogis have known since ancient times. Yoga helps to:

Reset the nervous system - facilitating our capacity for resilience

Concentrate the mind in the here and now, liberating you from the unchangeable past and the unpredictable future

Transform the energy of pain into a powerful force that carries you past the act of passive coping into the realm of thriving

Untangle the impressions left by a distressed mind from the tissues of the body

The Venue
Building resilience requires a supportive and safe environment and Homestead Lozice is perfect for this type of exploration. Lozice is a small, family run farm and spiritual centre, two hours outside of Prague, in the Košumbersk district.

The farm makes its own sourdough bread and their very own goat cheese*. All the vegetables are locally sourced, and our meals are shared around a huge family style table.

The surrounding area is the kind of nature that one can get lost in. Fields and forests are mother nature’s warm embrace. June is a beautiful month in the Czech Republic and part of this program will include time in nature to reflect and integrate. Life slows down in places like this and the realm for healing expands.

We will be an intimate group of 14 people with shared accommodations and simple living arrangements. Bookings will be made on a first come first served basis.

*Accommodations will be made for vegans and gluten free diets. The farm is a smoke and alcohol free facility.

Sleeping Arrangements

Room One - 5 people

Room two - 6 people

Room three - 3 people (for faculty or to create privacy, separating ladies and gents)

€710 Early Bird special that ends March 31st, 2023
€810 Starting April 1st, 2023
€350 deposit to secure your space

Shared accommodations
Dinner on June 6th, 3 meals a day from the 7th-10th, and breakfast and lunch on the June 11th, 2023
Check-in will be at 2:00 PM on the June 6th and check-out at 4:00 PM on June 11th, 2023
45 hours of instruction with Angela, plus 5 non-contact hours (OM work)
Course manual
Does Not Include
Air transportation to Prague, CZ

Transportation between the airport and the venue - this can be arranged for an extra fee (roughly €40 per person each way - with at least 3 people in the car. We will try our best to group people together based on when they land)

Travel insurance
To Reserve
To reserve your place in this program, a deposit with CK FIT (travel agency in CZ) is required. Your place is only secured in the program once we have received your deposit of €350, and you have been notified of your reservation. Contact Hanna to set this process in motion.

Should the course be suspended because of flight restrictions, illness and or lockdown measures due to COVID-19, a full refund will be issued. Please be sure to get travel insurance on your flight or some kind of voucher, should we have to postpone or cancel.


The Venue 

Building resilience requires a supportive and safe environment and Homestead Lozice is perfect for this type of exploration. Lozice is a small, family run farm and spiritual centre, two hours outside of Prague, in the Košumbersk district.

The farm makes its own sourdough bread and their very own goat cheese*. All the vegetables are locally sourced, and our meals are shared around a huge family style table.

*Accommodations will be made for vegans and gluten free diets. The farm is a smoke and alcohol free facility.

The surrounding area is the kind of nature that one can get lost in. Fields and forests are mother natures warm embrace. June is a beautiful month in Czech Republic, and part of this program will include time in nature to reflect and integrate. Life slows down in places like this, and the realm for healing expands.

We will be an intimate group of 14 people with shared accommodations, and simple living arrangements. Booking will be made on a first come first serve basis.

Sleeping Arrangements

Room One - 5 people

Room two - 6 people

Room three - 3 people (for faculty or to create privacy, separating ladies and gents)

Mapa polohy hotelu